Next week we will be distributing the printed issue for May. Meanwhile here is what will be happening before then, and new events announced since last week.
We distribute from Annapolis Royal to Meteghan. Welcome and thanks to some new supporters - MareGold Bookshop, and Eaglestone Excavations and Forestry Services.
Posters are on our website (www. theweymouthbridge.com) as well as in photo albums on our facebook page.
Please share this and ask others to subscribe. If you need more details, go to our website for the event posters, or contact the organizers directly.
This Week's Events (May 9- May 16)
May Weymouth Library Exhibition: Spool Knitting Display
This display features a variety of spool-knitted chair pads created by Joan Nelson Her technique is a new way of spool knitting using an old-fashioned craft with a modern spool hook.
Thurs May 9 Author Reading: Carol Bruneau
1-2pm Weymouth Library. And 3:30-4:30pm Digby Library.
Author Carol Bruneau will read from her 2020 novel Brighten the Corner Where You Are. In the novel, the author reimagines the life and experiences of famous Nova Scotia artist Maud Lewis as told by Lewis from beyond the grave. Unfettered and feisty as can be, Lewis tells her story her way, illuminating the darkest corners of her life. Carol Bruneau is the acclaimed author of three short story collections, including A Bird on Every Tree, and five other novels. This program is for adults.
Thur May 9 1/2day OHS Workshop
1pm-4pm $80+tax Nova Scotia Works, 87 Warwick St. 902-245-1830
Thur May 9 Paper Mache workshop- full
6pm Weymouth Library
Fri May 10, 11, 12 The Odd Couple (Female Version)
Fri 10 & Sat 11 at 7:30pm, Sun May 12 at 3pm
The Annapolis District Drama Group present THE ODD COUPLE (FEMALE VERSION) by Neil Simon. Unger and Madison are at it again! Florence Unger and Olive Madison, that is, in Neil Simon’s hilarious contemporary comic classic: the female version of The Odd Couple. Instead of the poker party that begins the original version, Ms. Madison has invited the girls over for an evening of Trivial Pursuit. The Pidgeon sisters have been replaced by the two Constanzuela brothers. But the hilarity remains the same. $20 Adults $15 Youth
Sat May 11 Mother’s Day Plant Sale
10am – 1pm Sissiboo Landing, Weymouth. Vege transplants, annuals & perennials, Rob’s tool sharpening, gifts and crafts, baked goods, raffle.
Sat May 11 Yard Sale Clare Curling Club
10am-1pm Clare Curling Club, Meteghan
Sat May 11 Admiral Digby Museum Mother’s Day Tea Fundraiser
1-3pm Digby Baptist Church, 2 Mount Street, Digby. $15 Reserve a seat 902-245-6322
Sat May 11 Old Time Music & Country Dance
7-10pm Round Hill Hall, 1689 Hwy 201, $10
Sun May 12 Mother’s Day Breakfast at Bear River Legion
8am-12noon $10pp $5 for under 5s. Spring Basket Raffle
Tue/Wed May 14/15 First Aid Workshop (1 or 2 day)
9am-4pm $100+tax / $150+tax Nova Scotia Works, 87 Warwick St. 902-245-1830
Wed May 15 Canada’s Circus Spectacular
4:30pm and 7:30pm Digby Area Arena 27 Shreve St. Prices vary. www.circusspectacular.com
Wed May 15 Month of Maud Paint Night Fundraiser
6-8pm Admiral Digby Museum, 95 Montague Rd. Reserve your place $35 includes all supplies and refreshment. 902-245-6322
Wed May 15 The Slocan Ramblers – Live Bluegrass
7:30pm Le Richelieu, La Butte, Meteghan River. $30 La Moulin. Tickets at Weymouth, Saulnierville and Meteghan pharmacies.
Thurs May 30 1492: The Americas before Columbus, CORAH
10am-11:30 Felker Hall, Cornwallis Register 902-247-0545
Digby Area White Goods Refuse collection (in June)
Sat Jun 1 Pickerel Fishing Tournament (19th Annual)
8am Registration Southville Fire Hall $20 PP lunch included. 902-308-2024
Sun Jun 2 Fundy Chorale Women's Choir Spring concert
4:00p.m. St. Patrick's Church, Digby. Tickets at the door.
Smiths Cove Fire Dept Coffee Mornings Thursdays 9:30-11:30am 43 North Old Post Road, Smith’s Cove. By donation.
Watercolour painting with Kelly Foxton Mondays 10:30-noon Bear River Pizza. $15 per class. Register Kelly 902-955-0779
Open Stage, every 2nd Sunday, 2-4pm The Village Cauldron Café.
Bear River Breakfasts. First Saturday of each month. 7am-10am. Adults $15, Kids under 10 $7, under 5 years free
Deep Brook Community Market Wednesdays 2-5pm 948 Hwy 1 Deep Brook
Zumba Tuesdays 6:30-7:30pm Felker Hall Cornwallis $5pp 902-526-2140
Low Impact Exercises Mon, Wed & Fridays 9-10am Felker Hall Cornwallis 902-638-3373
Cribbage Thursdays from 12:30pm Felker Hall Cornwallis 902-376-2007
Indoor Flea Market Sundays 10am-3pm May to September 726 Broadway Ave. Cornwallis. Vendors wanted 902-955-0779
Hatha Yoga Class, Felker Hall, Cornwallis on Mondays from 11:30am - 12:45pm. Please bring a Yoga mat and a blanket. By donation.
Chair Yoga Class, Felker Hall, Cornwallis on Fridays from 11:30am - 12:45pm. Please bring a Yoga mat and a blanket. By donation.
Watercolour painting with Kelly Foxton Wednesdays 10:30-noon 726 Broadway Ave. Cornwallis. $15 per class. Register Kelly 902-955-0779
Watercolour painting Youth Classes with Kelly Foxton Saturdays 10:30-noon 726 Broadway Ave. Cornwallis. $15 per class. Register Kelly 902-955-0779
Tai Chi Qigong Tues 9:45 and Sat. at 10am $15 drop-in, $40 per m. Family Rec Centre 726 Broadway Av Jenny 902-841-0333
Line Dancing, Felker Hall, Cornwallis, Mondays & Fridays 10-11am $5 per class
Meat Bingo, Fridays 7pm, Felker Hall, Cornwallis. Door prize, 50/50, game prizes
Karate, Women's Defense, Weapons, DiscoveryBound Youth Centre, www.firstcontactkarate.com, 726 Broadway, Cornwallis
Spring Story Time - Fridays 10:30-11am Digby Library. Children 5 and younger and their caregivers can enjoy stories, songs and activities at the library.
Drop-in Community Sport Thursday nights May 2 – June 13 6-7pm Indoor soccer; 7:30-9pm Volleyball 13+, adult, recreational, coed. At Digby Regional High School.
Drop n Community Basketball Mondays 6-7:30pm Teen (13+), Adult Co-ed, At DRHS
Community Open Gym at DRHS (May 10, 11, 17 and 18 only) Family Play Fri 6-7:30pm; Basketball Fri 6-7:30pm; Kindergym Sat 10-11; Open Gym Sat 10-1pm; Teen / Adult Basketball Sat 1-2pm.
Basketball FUNdamententals Ages 9-12 $25 Wednesdays 6-7pm Starts Mar 27 Registration required call DARC
Youth Space Thurs 3:30-6pm 1 Birch Str. Turning the Tide
Math Tutoring Wed 4:30-5:30 Register with Turning the Tide
English & Science Tutoring Wed 5:30-7:30 Register with Turning the Tide
This Girl Can (Girls Gr 7-9) DRHS. Register through DARC
This Girl Can (Girls Gr 5-6) Digby Elementary School. Wednesdays After school Register through DARC
Pickleball Sundays 10am-noon DRHS Gym
Kids in Motion After school – 5pm; Tues Gr P-3; Thurs Gr 4-6 Digby Elementary School
Homework Club Wednesdays 4-7pm The Family Centre 1 Birch St
Tai Chi Qigong Classes, Tuesdays at 6pm contact Jenny 902-841-0333
May Family Center Calendar Crafting together; Baby & Me; Toddler Time; Social Time; Play & Grow (3-5years); Amped Up; Parenting the Defiant Child; Strengthening Families. For days and times please see poster. 902-245-2300.
Chair Yoga Wednesdays 10-11:15am Apr 10 to May 29 St Joseph’s Church hall $5 pp 902-245-4344
Weymouth Church of Christ Kids Club (Gr 1-5) Wed 7-8pm Youth Club (Gr 6-10) Wed 7-8pm
After School Program (W. Consolidated) Mon-Fri 2-5:50 Apr to June Register through DARC
Basketball FUNdamententals Ages 9-12 $25 Tuesdays 6-7pm Starts Mar 26 Registration required call DARC
Crib Sundays 2-5pm $2 pp Weymouth Legion
Darts Wednesdays 6:30-9pm Weymouth Legion $2 per player. Lounge will be open for beverages and snacks.
Needlecraft Afternoons Tuesdays 1-4pm Weymouth Library Mar to May.
This Girl Can (Girls Gr 5-6) Weymouth Consolidated School. Mondays After school. Register through DARC
Pickleball, Weymouth, Sundays 10am-noon, SMBA
Kids in Motion After school – 5pm; Tues Gr P-3; Thurs Gr 4-6 Weymouth Consolidated
Community Open Gym Saturdays 10-1, Sundays 10-12noon.St. Mary’s Bay Academy (May 10, 11, 17 and 18 only)
Pickelball Sundays 10-12noon.St. Mary’s Bay Academy
Bingo Tuesdays 6pm W. Legion
Makers’ Nights Thursdays 6-9pm Weymouth Library
Weymouth Waterfront Development Committee (WWDC) meets third Wednesday 1:30 at Sissiboo Landing.
NS Walk Group, Clare Wed 10am DJs General Store, Salmon River
Fibre Arts Group: Wednesdays, 1 to 2 p.m. Meteghan Library
Lions Bingo Mondays 7pm Meteghan Lions Club
Darts Thursdays 1:30pm Clare Columbus Club $3
Scrapbooking at Clare Library, Tuesdays, 6-7:45pm

All events and posters are on our website home page, and facebook page. New posters are added continuously to the website, so check there to see what's on.
Send any events, contributions, comments or complaints, to info@theweymouthbridge.com
Have a lovely week
Eleanor & Wayne