Events for this week and new events are listed below. Event posters are on our website (www. theweymouthbridge.com) as well as in photo albums on our facebook page. Please share this and ask others to subscribe.
Weymouth Library Art Exhibition: Hooked Rugs by Cindy
This display features the hooked rugs out of wool and yarn by Cindy Cromwell. The artist designed some her work and used the patterns of others for some of the pieces. She is a member of Rustic Crafters. It can be viewed during open hours in January.
Tues Jan 23 to Sat Jan 27 Craft Supply Swap
Senator Ambroise H. Comeau Memorial Library (Meteghan). Clean out your stash of craft supplies you’re not going to use and swap them for supplies you can use. Drop off unwanted, usable items during open hours starting Tuesday, Jan. 23. On Friday, Jan. 26 and Saturday, Jan. 27, the swap will be open for everyone to take home some crafting goodies. Leftover items will be given to local organizations. This is for all ages.
Thur Jan 25 African Heritage Month Civic Proclamation Launch
1pm Digby Station, 7 Birch Str. Digby
Refreshments will be available after the ceremony
Thurs Jan 25 Wheel of Fortune Night
3:30-6pm 1 Birch St. Digby, DAYS Program Youth Drop-in
Thurs Jan 25 Girl Guides Information
6-7:30pm Cafeteria, Digby Elementary. 1st digby Sparks/Embers/Guides. Contact Kimberley Demaine 705-344-0451
Fri Jan 26 Ferrari
7pm King’s Theatre. Film, Hollywood, Drama. Rating 14A $10.95 Adult $6.95 Youth
Ferrari is set during the summer of 1957. Behind the spectacle and danger of 1950’s Formula 1, ex-racer, Enzo Ferrari, is in crisis. Bankruptcy stalks the company he and his wife, Laura, built from nothing ten years earlier. Their tempestuous marriage struggles with the mourning for their one son. Ferrari struggles with the acknowledgement of another. His drivers’ lust to win pushes them out to the edge. He wagers all in a roll of the dice on one race, the treacherous 1,000-mile race across Italy, the iconic Mille Miglia.
Sat Jan 27 Saint Bernard Fireman’s Breakfast
7-10am $10 pp Kids under 8 $5
Sat Jan 27 Craft Market
9am-2pm Curling Club, Digby
Sat Jan 27 Family Literacy Day Fun
11-11:45am Digby Library Children aged 2 to 6 and their caregivers can celebrate Family Literacy Day and enjoy a story time and games at the library.
Sat Jan 27 Benefit for Jessie Mullen
5-7pm Havelock Wesleyan Church. Rapure Pie, Baked Beans, Brown Bread & Cake $10
Most of you probably know by now that our chief recently suffered an injury that has taken him away from his work and income. We, his family at HFD, are hoping the community will join us in showing our love and support to Jessie, Jessica and their family by coming out to this event next Saturday to raise funds and fill their pantry!
Sat Jan 27 55+ Dance Let’s Time Travel. Music by DJ Mad Dadz.
7:30-11pm 27 Shreve Str., Digby. Dance music of the 60s and 70s. $10 Door prizes and cash bar. A nostalgic evening filled with all your favorite golden oldies! It’s time to dance through the decades!
Sun Jan 28 The Grace Café Benefit, featuring Terry Farnsworth, Paul Corbett, Jerry Thurber, Derek Perry and Tim Gravel
2-4pm The Grace United Church, 15 Prince William St. Digby.
An afternoon of nusic and refreshments. Admission: a free will offering to benefit Bear River & Community Area Health Clinic & The grace Benevolent Fund
Sun Jan 28 Migration
3pm King’s Theatre. Family Film, Animation, Comedy . PG
Illumination, creators of the blockbuster Minions, Despicable Me, Sing and The Secret Life of Pets comedies, invites you to take flight into the thrill of the unknown with a funny, feathered family vacation like no other in the action-packed new original comedy, Migration.
Tue Jan 30 Digby Newcomers Get Together
6:30-8:30pm NSCC Digby Learning Centre, 87 Warwick Str. Digby. Are you new to Digby and surrounding area? Would you ike to network, build connections, and/or learn about a local craft/skill? Please join us for the first of our Newcomer Get Together series. Coffee/tea and treats will be served.
Wed Jan 31 Tech Talks: Cell Phones CORAH
10-11:30 Felker Hall, Cornwallis Park. Register gailrogw@gmail.com or 902-247-0545
Wed Jan 31 Book Club: The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry
6:30-8pm Digby Library. Join Colleen Humbert for lively and in-depth discussion of The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry by Rachel Joyce at the library. Register no later than Jan. 17 by contacting the library to reserve your spot and receive the books.
Wed Jan 31 Rooted in Clare Garden Club Meeting
7pm Rendez-Vous de la Baie With Guest speaker Gilberte Doelle: From kitchen to garden
Fri Feb 9 Mean Girls (2024)
7pm King’s Theatre, Film, Hollywood, comedy, PG
New student Cady Heron (Angourie Rice) is welcomed into the top of the social food chain by the elite group of popular girls called “The Plastics,” ruled by the conniving queen bee Regina George (Reneé Rapp) and her minions Gretchen (Bebe Wood) and Karen (Avantika). However, when Cady makes the major misstep of falling for Regina’s ex-boyfriend Aaron Samuels (Christopher Briney), she finds herself prey in Regina’s crosshairs.
$10.95 Adult $6.95 Youth
Sat Feb 10 Valentine’s Day Dance, Gr 2-6, Music by DJ Mad Dadz
6-7:30pm Digby Legion, Food, music, dance, photo booth, $5 entry, dress up or come casual.
Sun Feb 11 Valentine’s Day Bake Sale
1-4pm Plympton and Gilbert’s Cove Bake Sale & 50/50
Wed Feb 14 Valentine’s Day Tea
2-4pm Weymouth Legion, Back St. Weymouth. $10 pp
Sun Feb 25 Soul
3pm King’s Theatre, Film, Kids & Family, Animation, Comedy, PG
Joe is a middle-school band teacher whose life hasn’t quite gone the way he expected. His true passion is jazz — and he’s good. But when he travels to another realm to help someone find their passion, he soon discovers what it means to have soul.
$10.95 Adult $6.95 Youth
Fri Mar 8 Youth Paint Night & Dance (for under 18s)
6-7pm Glow in the dark paint class; 7-9pm Dance $25 pp Weymouth Legion, Back St. Weymouth
Mon Mar 11 Fun with Food – Mini March Break camp
9am – 1pm Family Studies Room at DRHS $25 pp ages 7-12years Register 902-245-4344
Tue Mar 12 Terrific Tuesday – Mini March Break camp
9am – 1pm Family Studies Room at DRHS $25 pp ages 5-12years Register 902-245-4344
Thur Mar 14 St Patty’s Theme Thursday – Mini March Break camp
11am – 3pm 19 Victoria Ave, Weymouth $25 pp ages 5-12years Register 902-245-4344
Sun Mar 17 St. Patrick’s Fun Day (adults only)
1-6pm Weymouth Legion. Darts & washer toss, $5 to play. Irish stew, meat tarts $10pp
Watercolour painting with Kelly Foxton Mondays 10:30-noon Bear River Pizza. $15 per class. Register Kelly 902-955-0779
Open Stage, every 2nd Sunday, 2-4pm The Village Cauldron Café.
Bear River Breakfasts. First Saturday of each month. 7am-10am. Adults $15, Kids under 10 $7, under 5 years free
Deep Brook Community Market Wednesdays 2-5pm 948 Hwy 1 Deep Brook
Tai Chi Qigong Tues 9:45 Family Rec Centre 726 Broadway Av Jenny 902-841-0333
Line Dancing, Felker Hall, Cornwallis, Mondays & Fridays 10:30am-11:30am $5 per class
Meat Bingo, Fridays 7pm, Felker Hall, Cornwallis. Door prize, 50/50, game prizes
Karate, Women's Defense, Weapons, DiscoveryBound Youth Centre, www.firstcontactkarate.com, 726 Broadway, Cornwallis
Crafter Noons Alternate Fridays 2-4pm Digby Library Join other crafters to chat and share ideas. Bring your own supplies to work on your project while keeping good company. This program is for adults. Jan 12, 26, Feb 9, 23, Mar 8, 22, Apr 5, 19.
New Start Learn the 8 simple laws of health Tues Jan 23 – Mar 5 4-6:30pm 36 King Str. Featuring lectures by Barbara O’Neil – Vegetarian Dooking, Simple Meals, natural Healing. Contact Danielle Sutter to register by Jan 18 hbsutterfarm@gmail.com Event by Digby Seventh Day Adventist Church.
Public Curling Social Fri 7-9pm Digby Curling Club $15 non-members Delicious pizza and friendly competition
Youth Space Thurs 3:30-6pm 1 Birch Str. Turning the Tide
Math Tutoring Wed 4:30-5:30 Register with Turning the Tide
English & Science Tutoring Wed 5:30-7:30 Register with Turning the Tide
Speed Skating Jan 3 – Mar 6 Wed 7-8pm & 4 Sundays Register with DARC
Indoor Walking Tues & Thurs 6-7pm Digby Regional High School. Register with DARC.
Co-ed pick up hockey Tues & Sun 11:30-12:30am $10pp Digby Arena.
This Girl Can (Girls Gr 7-9) DRHS. Register through DARC
This Girl Can (Girls Gr 5-6) Digby Elementary School. Wednesdays After school Register through DARC
Pickleball Sundays 10am-noon DRHS Gym
Shinny hockey (Co-ed 40+) Tues & Thurs 10-11am $10pp Digby Arena
Kids in Motion After school – 5pm; Tues Gr P-3; Thurs Gr 4-6 Digby Elementary School
Public Skating Wednesdays – Parent & Tots 11-11:45; Adults 19+ 12-1pm; Students (P-6) 2:30-3:30; Teens (Gr7-12) 3:30-4:40pm. Sat & Sun Open public skate 4-5pm Digby Arena, 27 Shreve Str.
Homework Club Wednesdays 4-7pm The Family Centre 1 Birch St
Digby Legion Seniors Program Thursdays, 10am Digby Legion
Tai Chi Qigong Classes, Tuesdays at 6pm contact Jenny 902-841-0333
Women’s Pick-up Hockey Mondays 8:10pm DARC
Recreational Pond Hockey Ages 6-16 Thursdays Nov-Mar 14, 5-5:50 Register DARC
Junior Curling Sundays 4-5pm, Nov to March, Digby Curling Centre, 27 Shreve St. Register.
Family Centre (Please check FB for dates & times) Crafting Together (Mondays 10-12noon); Nobody’s Perfect (Tuesdays 10-11am); Baby & Me (Tuesdays 10-12noon), Positive Discipline in Everyday Parenting (Wednesdays 10-12noon); Social Time (Wednesdays 10-12noon); Play and Grow 3-5years (Thursdays 10-12noon); Toddler Time (Fridays 10-12noon) .
Crib Sundays from Feb 4, 2-5pm $2 pp Weymouth Legion
Karaoke Alternate Saturdays (Feb 3, 17, Mar 2, 16, 30). Weymouth Legion
Darts Wednesdays 6:30-9pm Weymouth Legion $2 per player. Lounge will be open for beverages and snacks.
Climbing Wall Wednesday nights January – March 5:30-7:30 Weymouth Consolidated School (unless school is closed for weather) $5 pp $10/ family
Needlecraft Afternoons Tuesdays 1-4pm Weymouth Library Jan 30, Feb 6, 13, 20, 27, Mar 5, 12, 19, 26.
Yoga Journeys at Sissiboo Landing. Mon 2-3pm Jan to Feb 12; Tues 7-8pm Jan 16-Feb 20 Register jackie@journeysofthesoul.ca (new poster)
Indoor Walking Tues & Thurs 6-7pm SMBA Register with DARC
This Girl Can (Girls Gr 5-6) Weymouth Consolidated School. Mondays After school. Register through DARC
Pickleball, Weymouth, Sundays 10am-noon, SMBA
Kids in Motion After school – 5pm; Tues Gr P-3; Thurs Gr 4-6 Weymouth Consolidated
Community Open Gym Saturdays 10-1, St. Mary’s Bay Academy
Bingo Tuesdays 6pm W. Legion
Makers’ Nights Thursdays 6-9pm Weymouth Library
Weymouth Waterfront Development Committee (WWDC) meets third Wednesday 1:30 at Sissiboo Landing.
NS Walk Group, Clare Wed 10am DJs General Store, Salmon River
Clare Market Fair Saturdays 10am-2pm Oct to Apr 6 Meteghan Fire Station
Adult Skating Tuesdays 10-11am Universite Ste. Anne Rink
Fibre Arts Group: Wednesdays, 1 to 2 p.m. Meteghan Library
Lions Bingo Mondays 7pm Meteghan Lions Club
Darts Thursdays 1:30pm Clare Columbus Club $3
Scrapbooking at Clare Library, Tuesdays, 6-7:45pm

All events and posters are on our website home page, and facebook page. New posters are added continuously to the website, so check there to see what's on.
Let us know of any events and send contributions, comments or complaints, to info@theweymouthbridge.com
Have a lovely week
Eleanor & Wayne