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Beethoven’s Fidelio

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Beethoven’s Fidelio


King’s Theatre, Annapolis Royal

3pm King’s Theatre, Annapolis Royal. Met Stage to Screen. $15.95 Beethoven’s sole opera, Fidelio, is a story of unwavering love and daring rescue. Disguised as a young man named Fidelio, Leonore infiltrates a prison to save her unjustly imprisoned husband, Florestan. The opera, filled with thrilling moments and soaring melodies, celebrates courage, marital devotion, and the ultimate triumph of justice over tyranny. The music of Fidelio is seen to represent social hierarchy; it is often said that there is a lot of political meaning within Fidelio. Its complex history and storyline underwent multiple revisions and titles, with Fidelio finally emerging as the definitive version.

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