Free Events Newsletter for SW Nova Scotia
The Weymouth Bridge
Why not advertise in The Weymouth Bridge?

Let us put your business in front of local residents, and show them your presence, services, merchandise, specials and contact information?
Electronic: Your advert will be placed immediately on the home page of our website and on our Facebook page. The Facebook and website ads will be linked to your website and remain in place until the following printed issue.
Print: Your ad will also be placed in the next printed issue of The Weymouth Bridge, which comes out mid-month every month. We print 300 copies and distribute from Meteghan to Bear River. Deadlines for print is EOBD 8th of the month, for print distribution on or near the 15th.
Send us your requirements and content by email:
Copy and images should be emailed to:
Advertising rates are shown above. You can also send us a message on this form and we will contact you to discuss your options.
Business card
(up to 1/8th page)
Up to 3.75" x 2.25"
1/4 page vertical
3.75" x 4.75"
Half page
vertical or horizontal
H: 7.75 x 4.75"
V: 3.75 x 9.75
Full page
7.75 x 9.75"